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Get Ahead of the Curve


Industry & Consumer Driven Perspectives

Independent Consumer Discretionary Retail/Brand Research  


We help our clients stay ahead of the curve by spotting emerging business trends and potential catalysts before quarterly reporting.

JHA Views Retail, Apparel, Footwear, Beauty and Home Through a Different Lens


Our perspective is driven by industry experience and the behavioral shifts of the global consumer. JHA gives the qualitative analysis needed to make more informed decisions. 

Our in-depth analysis includes:

  • Macro trends

  • Company specific developments

  • Global consumer buying habits and trends

Strategic & Quantitative Insights in Real-Time


Our goal is to provide the research our clients need to make distinctions between passing fads and multi-year structural industry trends.

You won’t get these insights from investor relations teams - get in touch now.


      “JHA Research is incorporated into the investment process by providing a basis for confirming assertions and forecasts made by company management as well as anticipating investment catalysts that are not yet recognized by the market.” 

—  Senior Portfolio Manager- Retail, NYC Mutual Fund

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© 2024 JHA Jane Hali & Associates 

Investment, Retail, Brand Research & Consulting

561-288-0675   |   4690 Sherwood Forest Drive • Delray Beach • Florida 33445

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